The time has come. This will be the last post. Get your bugle out. A lot has changed since Twickerati began life back in 2010. Eleven and a half years is a long time in the online world and in real life… or ‘irl’ as modern parlance would have you believe. Many blogs have come and gone, local news media has changed, the big social media sites have become even more dominant and cutting through against that changing background has become more difficult. Meanwhile my interest in keeping the blog going has declined too. You probably noticed. It’s time for me to move on from feeling I ought to update the site but never finding the motivation to do it, to just saying: “Yep, it’s time to wrap it up”. The site will stay live for a while – after all, I’ve paid for the website domain name until next May and the actual WordPress site is free anyway – but it won’t get updated. It may even live on as some kind of ‘zombie site’ (which sounds pretty cool to be fair). If you follow on Facebook and Instagram I’ll be deleting them. Twickerati on Twitter will continue for the time being – even I can manage the occasional tweet and retweet – but the longer pieces which once formed the basis of the postings on here will be no more. After 11 years, 711 blog posts, over 15,000 comments published (that can’t be right surely! what on earth were we all wittering on about?), a few collaborations, over 1.8 million page views and zero revenue, it’s time to stop. I might end up doing something else involving words but it won’t be this.

Van without a plan

In conclusion, thank you so much to every single person who has read, supported or contributed to this site over the years. I really appreciate it. I hope you stay interested in your local community, try some of the new places we’ve mentioned and stick by the older ones too. We’ve covered all sorts of topics over the last 11 years: shops, schools, restaurants and pubs, big building projects… including the Gloriana debacle, Heathrow expansion, the wonderful world of El Brute (aka LBRuT aka Richmond Council) and countless fairs, fetes and festivals. One of my first ever posts back in 2010 was about Twickenham Riverside and the planned development there. How reassuringly Twickenhammy to know that 11 years on, it’s still not resolved and is still a topic for us all to bicker about in the months and years to come. Let’s get to work, Twickenham!

Thanks again and look after yourselves. Russell.

And just for the record, since you didn’t ask, here’s my favourite picture that I ever posted on this ol’ site. As Russ Abbott once said, “Oh what an atmosphere”. Bye.

Misty Thames at Eel Pie Island