
News, comment & ill-informed opinion for the Twickerati of Twickenham


1. What exactly is twickerati?
In a sentence?
It’s news, comment and ill-informed opinion on local issues for Twickenham residents, aka the twickerati.

In 2 paragraphs?
Twickerati is a Twickenham based website for all those people who had hoped to find out something about life in Twickenham only to be faced by lists of plumbers in Hounslow, references to the “home of rugby” and a bunch of sites where, yes, you really can be the first to review the Pizza Express in Kingston. And, when we say local Twickenham website we really do mean local – we’re talking TW1 and TW2 thanks very much. It’s all about the ‘hyperlocal’ these days… apparently.

Twickerati aims to be informative but not too serious, vaguely humorous but that’s rather subjective, positive but not overly so and something else which has yet to be defined. Probably something about fostering a community of common interest and promoting Twickenham, particularly local shops and businesses. Either that or circulating unsubstantiated rumours. And that’s where you come in.

2. Keeping up to date with twickerati
If you want to keep up to date with new postings on this blog you can subscribe for email updates (look to your right ->)

Or just follow twickerati on here, on Facebook & on Twitter

3. Commenting and contributing
If you want to comment or let us know what’s going on around the town, there’s no need to register just click on a comment box and let it all out. Try to be a bit polite, and remember that your opinions are visible on a public forum.
If you want to contribute an article or short feature, even better. Just get in touch by posting a comment or emailing twickerati at gmail. Go on, you know you want to and it’s all free.
If you want to tell others, then please do so. The more the merrier.

4. Who writes twickerati?
Hard to say really. Oh, go on then… it’s produced by a dedicated team of professional writers, web gurus, and marketing experts who all work 24/7 to bring you the best news and views about Twickenham town. And the name? Suffice it to say that it seemed like a good idea at the time. Alcohol was a contributory factor.

5. Legal bit
All material on this site is copyright Twickerati. The exceptions to this are:
ii) the feature pieces written by other contributors who retain the copyright to their work
iii) the Flickr photo stream where, obviously, the rights to the photographs are determined by the photographers.
Material on this site cannot be used on other sites without express permission of the copyright holder. If you wish to use content from this site for non-commercial purposes permission will (probably) be given. If you wish to use it for commercial purposes, it probably won’t be. If in doubt, ask. Simples.

Comments from readers reflect their own opinions and not those of twickerati. Common sense should prevail. If in doubt, be normal. Gratuitously irritating, offensive, libellous or just plain boring comments will be deleted although no liability is accepted for oversights on this front. If you’re unhappy with something, let’s talk about it. We also reserve the right to delete any comments for any reason we damn well like. And if you have a guide to a better set of T&Cs, let us know!

And finally… If you want to add a complimentary comment about the site then you can do it on this page if you really feel the need. But if you want to ask a question or tell us some news then use the “Your News” page on the top menu bar. Thanking you kindly.

27 thoughts on “About

  1. Not sure if you report on ‘showbiz’ news but we had the pleasure of watching this on Sunday coming back from a walk at Twickenham Rough. Thought some drunks were going to fall off the new flats by the station!

  2. Hey all,

    Hoping to help out a little but wasn’t sure where to start…
    If anyone needs their dogs walked over the next few (let’s be honest could be a few more than that) weeks.
    My bf and I are TW1 and still healthy and wanting to help out.


  3. Is it ok that Kier Construction, who are building a school in East Twickenham, are covered in the national print media as having BIG debt problems. Will they last long enough to complete the school?

  4. Dear,
    Is it posible to find out if my grandmother worhed during the 1914 -1918 war in the PELABON
    ammunision factoty at TWICKENHAM.

    Date my grandmother


    ° OSTEND 30 NOV 1887

    +OSTEND 13 FEB 1968

    X OSTEND 26 MAAR 1913


    ° FLISSCHING 02 NOV 1891

    +OSTEND 01 SEPT 1958

    With kind regards
    Raymond Lievens

  5. There’s coverage in The Time’s today about the “sexed-up” landscape history of Marble Hill. Love Marble Hill is releasing it year-long research document shortly and there’s not a whiff of “a lost transitional garden” implemented by Alexander Pope or Charles Bridgeman. Pope did order a bit of fencing in 1725 and Bridgeman wrote of his intent to drawn a plan but their input stops there. All the evidence suggests that the 3rd Duke of Argyll drew-up a garden proposal that was never implemented. Furthermore, Howard didn’t own essential garden land needed to execute an early garden and this was further compounded by an ancient right of way which ran mid-way between the house and the river with wagons and livestock traversing it. The evidence-based narrative is very different to the one being peddled currently. Pope has been lauded as the “master” and “contriver” of an important “lost garden” and there’s nothing in the archives or correspondence to support it.
    There’s a real danger that school children and park visitors will be presented with an inauthentic retelling of the landscape history at Marble Hill.

  6. Help. Just posted a comment awaiting moderation and please can you check the links I put in as they seem to go to wrong sites? I also wanted to send a photo but do not know how.


  7. High street update..Salt Flakes in Heath Road to open shortly ..allegedly a French Restaurant which makes a change from pizza. Also in Heath Road, Londark, import and export of all things plastic from food bags, bin liners and plastic gloves.

  8. hey, just remove the 1 from my name, and add NOT
    then add the popular goggle mail…
    a conundrum to keep away those without what is needed… 🙂 🙂

  9. hello, do you have an email address that I can forward the photo of the Jazz River boat that I posted on your FB site but couldn’t be viewed. Kind regards Jules

  10. Great site. Entertains, informs and educates on all things Twickery & I just got free tickets to the foodie festival. Thank you!

  11. Great website, about time Twickenham had a proper one and with a touch of humour too! I hear tell that there is someone called Russell behind it or is that just a dreadful scaremongering rumour?

    Whatever, keep up the good, no let’s say great, work.



  12. can you do a review of local independant takeaways – I’d love to see people thoughts on the best Fish & Chip shop – I know what mine is and would love to give them a great review on here as they need to get more local support but i am not sure where i could put a review

  13. Fantastic site! Just what I have been waiting for, finally I can get some truly local news from the internet and not just “Meet Singles in TWICKENHAM” that google seems to throw up.

    Keep up the good work.


  14. I stumbled across this site and I’m very impressed. I’m American and I live in Texas, but I enjoy such local news. It makes me feel a bit like I live there (which I haven’t done since 1972!). Does one person write the main page? I really like the humor. Keep up the good work.

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